Home Decor Switch Up - Changing A Few Things Around Your House Will Give It A Whole New Vibe!
When you have a new guest at your home what is the one thing you want?
I want them to be comfortable!
I want them to say - “It feels so homey in here!”
I think the moment I was able to walk I started to rearrange! I’m obsessed with a fresh vibe! Once a month, every week I mean there’s no judgment here! Well, maybe from my husband who I’m constantly pulling in 5 directions! But that’s okay, he secretly loves it! Here are easy tips to change things up
New Wall Decor doesn't have to be crazy expensive!
I'm obsessed with Hobby Lobby and I'm always checking their orange/red tag!
You don't have to wait for it to be on clearance!
They have 50% every other week on their full price items!
Still don't want to wait?
Check their website for a 40% off coupon!
“This is my happy place” was on clearance for $9 this is one of my favs!
Always check for coupons before shopping!
Before you leave the house - ALWAYS CHECK THE INTERNET FOR COUPONS! This is like a no brainer for me now! So many stores have them! Take advantage! Hobby Lobby has a 40% coupon you can use on a full price item!
Have your partner check out!
Have your child check out!
Then you check out!
Avoid returns and frustration - Plan It Out
There's nothing worse [okay there's some things worse] than getting so excited about a bunch of stuff, getting it home and realizing you didn't actually plan it out. Before you go shopping take a look at the space you want to transform! Does it need paint? Wall decor? Some plants? Lighting? What about a throw blanket or a new pillow? Make sure to have a well thought out plan so you don't have returns or product left UN-used! Draw it up if needed! It will get you even more excited about your project!
Have an open mind
My Husband and I are completely opposite when it comes to the "feel" of our home! My husband wants it light and bright where I would like it to be more like a sanctuary. Where it's darker and more intimate.
When we were shopping for curtains we were all over the place! Then I came across a frosted shower curtain...
Now hear me out!
It gave us the privacy we needed but the frosted/clear look makes the entire house light up but still gives me this sanctuary feel! We both ended up getting what we wanted and NEVER would I have thought about shower curtains unless Big Lots didn't have them on the end cap my son ran into. 😂
Adding plants to your space
I have 47 plants INSIDE my home! This is obviously my favorite! Plants release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, helping purify the air in your home! PLUS, they just help make me feel better!

I'm a Utah local and I get most of my plants from Harmon's Grocery Store
Moving around decor you already own
This is my fav because you don't even need to spend money or leave the house!
You can switch around table top decor

Switch around your throw pillows and throw blankets

Change around your shelf decor
I hope this inspires you to give your home a fresh new vibe!
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