This Valentine’s Day we are doing a #WIFE #MOM #BOSS feature!
This year it’s
Galentine’s day!
When you're looking for friendships, What are some qualities you look for?
I look for
Someone who is trustworthy and honest
Someone who isn’t judge mental but can still joke around in a fun manner!
Someone who sees humor in life!
Ultimately, someone you generally want to be around.
Natalie is that, and so much more!
Natalie has been married to her husband Michael for 12 years!
In a marriage you need to have commitment, hope, empathy, forgiveness, and ownership. Your 12 years of marriage is something to brag about!
We asked Natalie:
What fuels your fire as a mama?
“I make a conscious effort to be present, to be intentional and truly reach my children’s hearts and encourage healthy relationships.”
If that doesn’t inspire you, I don’t know what will!
Natalie is a Mama of three.
A 13-year-old boy, 10-year-old girl and A four-year-old boy!
Meyer Party Of 5
In addition to being a Wife and Super Mom, Natalie is a BOSS!
We asked Natalie to tell us about her Biz
“I’m super passionate about health and wellness and the power of healing our bodies. My love language is to serve others so I absolutely love helping people reach their health goals in this unconventional way! I am a former fitness instructor of 10 years but have been actively educating myself on all things health and wellness since I was a young girl.”
Since the moment I met Natalie her entire agenda is to serve others.
To inform us and give us the knowledge we need to be healthier and to fuel our bodies the best way possible!
Take this Candida test and share your results with Natalie!
Check out her website at
Her Instagram account
Natalie, you are an inspiration to all Moms to dig deep with their kids and be present!
Your 12 year marriage is something people dream of! You have built a beautiful life together!
The happiness you exude is contagious.
Check her out for daily inspiration!
Seriously though, she was doing front flips and back flips on a trampoline with her kids the other night!
Check out our gal!
Take this Candida test and share your results with Natalie!
Check out her website at
Her Instagram account
Wanna read more?
Check out
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